BWM - Feb 2015 - page 41

February 2015
| Business World
Cosco Wholesale, Telerx Communication.
Some of the healthcare projects they’ve been
involved include the Crozer Chester Hos-
pital, the multi-location Integrated Health
Systems, IHS and Penn-Radnor Health Sys-
tem. As well, Zebby Sulecki has worked on
historical sites and retirement communities
such as Diamond Street Apartments, Appl-
eford Hotel, the Wayne Hotel, Shannondell
at Valley Forge, and White Horse Village.
The company was most recently recognized
at the 2014 ABC Eastern Pennsylvania
Awards of Excellence, which celebrate the
most outstanding commercial construction
projects. Zebby Sulecki Inc. won the Award
of Excellence for Specialty Construction
- Interiors (Merit Level) for their superior
drywall, acoustic, paint and wallcovering
work on the 901 Jefferson Realty project.
In addition to their membership in the ABC
Eastern Pennsylvania Chapter, Sulecki is
also affiliated with the Painting & Decorat-
ing Contractors of America (PDCA), Inter-
national Furnishings & Design Association,
the Newtown Square Business & Profession-
al Association, the Main Line Chamber of
Commerce, as well as the National Guild of
Professional Paperhangers.
Whether you’re in need of drywall and car-
pentry services, decorative and architectural
finishings, maintenance or even specialty
treatments, Sulecki tackles each project the
same way: with proven solutions, innovative
products and services and award-winning
performance. This process is not something
thrown together quickly; it is developed
over time and carefully instilled within the
company and it all begins with the due dili-
gence involved in the hiring process. Crimi-
nal background checks, company uniforms,
personal protective equipment, and a wel-
come packet delivered by Sulecki himself.
By taking the time to understand and edu-
cate your employees, it provides them with
a sense of purpose and confidence that the
customer will appreciate.
Working from the inside out, Zebby Su-
lecki Inc. is going beyond the typical con-
tractor-customer relationship. While price
is paramount, developing a brand presence
not solely based on the bottom line is pay-
ing off for the Broomall PA-based company.
It’s clear that while the company is now cel-
ebrating its 27th Anniversary, there is a very
bright future ahead for the dedicated team at
Zebby Sulecki, Inc.
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