Business World |
February 2015
hire orientation, and if he can't make it, one
of our other senior managers or department
heads will attend."
"The most important thing about our cor-
porate structure is it's very top-down," adds
Andrea. "We have full and complete sup-
port from our CAO, as well as any council
we've ever had. They truly stand behind us,
and they have authorized some key expendi-
tures for us to move forward with our initia-
tives. Scott has made a lot of the training we
provide mandatory, which has made it a lot
easier for us to roll out things like our men-
tal health tool kit, our respectful workplace
training, and our FISH! Philosophy."
"The FISH! Philosophy is basically about
how your workplace is shaped by your at-
titude," explains Michele. "Scott comes in
and says the County of Wellington is the
best place he's ever worked in, and he wants
it to be the best place you've ever worked in
but that ultimately depends on you. He'll do
everything possible from a corporate stand-
point to make that happen, but you're going
to get out of it what you put into it."
"We actually live, eat, breathe, and walk the
talk. We embrace our training, and we fol-