February 2015
| Business World
students, BSN worked within the existing
profile and structural bay system while inte-
grating the new space andHVAC systems. In
addition to utilizing an application of 25mm
of spray foam insulation on the inner face of
the masonry which doubled the thermal per-
formance of the wall from R4 to R10.
While introducing the advanced sustainabil-
ity systems and improving energy efficiency,
it was important to retain the integrity of
a significant historic structure. Something
which BSN demonstrated tremendously.
Next on the horizon for BSN is an Eco-
Housing project in collaboration with the
City of Yellowknife, with the goal of dem-
onstrating their innovative building design,
setting an example for further housing devel-
"It will create a new standard for northern
multi-unit housing," says Neuert. "It's a car-
bon neutral project that we believe will be
the lowest energy footprint of any housing
throughout both North America and Eu-
rope. It has very, very high energy reduction
standards associated with its design. It's a
modular design approach, the components
will be fabricated, shipped by barge to Yel-
lowknife and assembled on site."
On what sets Baird Sampson Neuert Archi-
tects apart from their competition, Sampson
stressed the unique method of approaching
projects, as well as the personalized touch
you simply cannot replicate with a more cor-
porate firm.
"We look at projects from a perspective that
tries to integrate the project at the most ho-
listic level," Sampson explains. "From urban
design to the sustainability aspects and so-
cial dimensions."
"We really provide a hands-on partner driv-
en relationship that explores the project in
a way that's more fundamentally more con-
nected to client than you get from a corpo-
rate delivery model," he concludes.