BWM Oct 2013 - page 206

206 | Business World Magazine |
October 2013
as GEMS greatest needs. At present, only
one of GEMS four locations has true ga-
raging in a structure that was rehabbed by
the town. In the case of the other three
locations, ambulances are exposed to the
elements. State mandates require that the
ambient temperature be maintained at 70
degrees. Therefore, in the winter, crews
have to keep the engines running with
the heat turned-on and do the same in the
summer with the air conditioner, even
though the ambulance isn’t being used at
the moment. The constant running wears
on the engines, ultimately shortening
the lifespan of the vehicles, creating ad-
ditional costs in fuel and environmental
burdens from emissions. Tufts says prop-
er garaging would mitigate those factors.
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