BWM Oct 2013 - page 202

202 | Business World Magazine |
October 2013
GEMS industry distinction to the dedi-
cation, discipline and devotion of a team
that doesn’t simply approach their fulfill-
ing of duty in career terms, but something
closer to a life’s calling to help and serve
others. Tufts says some GEMS personnel
have been there since the very inception
of the service, and among the volunteer
component, there are some who’ve been
so committed as to advance their training
to the level of paramedic.
GEMS has also sparkled as a provider
of EMS training, not only critical to its
own staff, but those in who serve in the
fire department, those who serve with the
police force (who also responds to ev-
ery 9-1-1 call) and literally thousands of
community residents which includes area
school children. What began as a first aid
program benefitting area third graders has
now grown into an education curriculum
that serves students from grades 6 to 12;
teaching them not only first aid, but also
CPR and college prep health and safety
courses. An intern program routinely fa-
cilitates volunteers from high schools
who assist in GEMS standby duties dur-
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