BWM Oct 2013 - page 201

October 2013
| Business World Magazine | 201
enterprise. Greenwich has what is known
as a Board of Estimate & Taxation which
is responsible for administration of finan-
cial affairs. The BET included such men
as Chairman Sam Stowell and Members
Richard Kriskey, Frank Mazza and John
Raben. Their support proved crucial to al-
laying criticism from detractors. An advi-
sory group comprised by representatives
from the police and fire departments, hos-
pital and other stakeholders also helped
outline operational strategies and GEMS
ultimately secured operational approval,
funded through a combination of public
and private dollars. “We were formed as
a not-for-profit because the town didn’t
want to take on another employee group
... and it was so unknown at the time, it
helped ease concerns about liability and
legal issues too,” explains Tufts.
For whatever confusion or concern
that was prompted by GEMS start, it has
since been replaced with pride and re-
spect, for time and time again, this team
of professionals has proven to be the dif-
ference between life and death. Tufts
says GEMS is “very selective” when it
comes to choosing staff, and she credits
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