June 2013
| Business World Magazine | 73
“Many EMS companies have been started by
someone who began as a paramedic working
on the road. Our company was started by an
entrepreneur who understood what it takes
to create a successful business with excellent
customer service, so we’re sticklers for policy,
procedures and compliance. This is one of
the aspects that set us apart from others.”
Long before it emerged as a leading emergen-
cy-transport provider, the residents of the ru-
ral areas served today by Trans-Care had very
little in the way of transportation alterna-
tives, particularly when it came to non-emer-
gency services. This was a fact made aware to
a man named Russell Ferrell. A veteran of
the telecommunication industry, Ferrell just
happened to be having a conversation with
an acquaintance at a senior care community
when he was informed of the difficulties too
often experienced by those trying to arrange
transportation for routine doctor appoint-
ments or other needs, especially for passen-
gers who were bound to wheelchairs. Ferrell
simply resolved to provide a solution. He
went out and bought a van that could accom-