April 2013 - page 277

April 2013
| Business World Magazine | 277
Auguste Rodin, the celebrated “Father of Modern Sculpture” once said, “Nothing
is a waste of time if you use the experience wisely.” At New York-based Universal
Environmental Consulting, a certain “Papa” prompts celebration for wisely using
his experience with waste to now offer removal service solutions which not only
help national retailers save time and money, but also provides work for haulers in
hometowns throughout America.
So you’re a national retailer with stores
throughout North America and over the
course of daily operations, waste is generated
at each location consisting of merchandise
boxes, packaging material, paper, Styrofoam
or possibly the pleasantly pop-able pletho-
ra of bubble-wrap, not to mention the dis-
carded coffee-grounds from the employee
break-room, various plastic wrappings and
you-name-it in the routine refuse relegat-
ed as garbage. The generation of waste is a
simple fact of life, yet coordinating and pay-
ing the costs for collecting and disposing of
waste from each location is not always such a
simple nor affordable process, that is, unless
you’re working with the enterprise known as
Universal Environmental Consulting.
Retailers, supermarket chains, shopping
mall developers and construction contrac-
tors throughout America have discovered a
convenient, cost-effective solution in waste
removal services by relying on Universal,
but in that process, they’ve also been able
to maintain compliance with regulatory re-
quirements involving waste (thereby avoid-
ing financial perils for not), and what’s more,
the relationship with Universal has helped
many achieve environmental standards lead-
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