April 2013 - page 274

274 | Business World Magazine |
April 2013
And should a break-down occur, Jimez says
his father taught him of taking the time to
listen, to gain an understanding of the cus-
tomer’s problem and then do whatever is
necessary to make it right.
For those familiar with less desirable at-
titudes of certain latitudes, the Caribbean
is an area where one may often hear “soon
come,” an expression that means something
may be completed or accomplished sooner
or later, with no definitive time schedule, an
aspect of life also known as “Island Time.”
Yet, in the midst of such local factors, A9
and its dedicated staff adheres to another ap-
preciable quality in being prompt, on-time,
following-through with scheduled plans and
completing duties in accordance with sched-
ules too. Again, anyone living or working in
the Caribbean understands what an impor-
tant quality this is in enterprise there. Re-
calling an expression of his father, Jimez say,
“The early bird gets the early worm.”
Another advantage of working with A9’s
team is their unique understanding of envi-
ronmental conditions of the island. In addi-
tion to investing in the appropriate equip-
ment andmaterial resources for land clearing,
transport, demolition and debris removal of
all kinds, the company also carries the in-
surance should any accident occur on a job.
Some operators don’t carry such insurance,
so, for example, should a rock roll down a hill
and damage a structure during the course of
some land clearing project, or should some
debris fall from a truck and damage a pass-
ing motorist, the offending operator may not
possess the financial means of making up for
that damage. This isn’t the case with A9, and
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