April 2013 - page 272

272 | Business World Magazine |
April 2013
well as football throughout his high school-
ing in the islands. He also possessed academic
strength, no doubt supported by his efforts
in assisting with the electronic repairs at Vit-
ronics when he got out of school each day. Ji-
mez ultimately earned simultaneous scholar-
ships in football and track & field to Norfolk
State University in Virginia. He went on to
earn distinction as an All American athlete,
but also earned a degree in electronic engi-
neering. Following his brother’s untimely
death in 2002, Jimez would step-in to fill the
void, bringing the full measure of his mental
prowess and well-honed will to win.
Under the leadership of Jimez Ashby, A9
Trucking Enterprises and Heavy Equipment
Rental evolved from light and heavy mate-
rial hauling, demolition, waste and debris
removal and heavy equipment rental to now
perform other vital services. He partnered
with other professionals to launch a new re-
cycling enterprise and added a new division
to A9 that specialized in the management of
landfill operations. Ashby secured certifica-
tions by Solid Waste Association of North
America distinctions awarded to landfill op-
erators who adhere to the industry’s high-
est standards of operational safety and en-
vironmental integrity. Over the time that
followed, A9 won government contracts to
manage and operate the Bovoni and Anguil-
la landfills on the islands of St. Thomas and
St. Croix.
The managing of landfills is a complex
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