April 2013 - page 275

April 2013
| Business World Magazine | 275
Jimez explains that the company and its cli-
ents benefit from an extensive insurance plan
that covers the firm whether it is going to a
job, or on the job, or leaving a job.
Another aspect of island life is not neces-
sarily having ready access to parts when me-
chanical systems break down. Jimez says it
isn’t like Miami where one can simply walk
into any number of stores and purchase a
desired engine part. In the island, one might
need to catch a plane to go acquire the part
elsewhere or wait for it to be shipped-in by
boat. There are costs associated with either
case and these often get passed on to the con-
sumer. A9 counters such factors by maintain-
ing a well-supply of parts and materials to
maintain equipment. And that equipment
they rent is also well-stocked, from excava-
tors, backhoes, dump trucks and dozers to
wheel loaders, semi tractors, dump trailers,
bailers & crushers, generators, compressors,
and lots more. Yet, beyond all their heavy
duty equipment resources, A9 is further
driven by a diligent, devoted and dedicated
team of more than two dozen employees
whose desire to serve customers may only be
outmatched by their care for the islands and
the people of the islands.
The A9 team’s ability to accommodate so
many needs and provide such a range of ser-
vices has led to the company’s popular tag-
line – A9 Anytime. While the Virgin Islands
represent a wonderful place to visit anytime,
when there’s work that needs to be done or
equipment needed to get that work done,
A9 Enterprise staff and management team is
prepared to help anyone, at any time, all the
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