April 2013 - page 285

April 2013
| Business World Magazine | 285
As to what’s right with Universal, that has
including making some operational changes.
At the height of the recession with retailers
closing stores throughout the country, Uni-
versal experienced a decline in their business.
That forced the company to offer new servic-
es which now include handling construction
debris and waste from job sites, where the
company also provides temporary fencing,
port-a-potty and storage container resources.
The company has also shifted frommerely
focusing on service to national retailers, but
now is working with developers of shopping
malls and condominium complex develop-
ers to consolidate their waste removal needs,
services that Papa anticipates will increas-
ingly expand over the coming soon. He says
Universal is also exploring opportunities to
provide residential waste removal too. Papa
is generally enthusiastic, saying he is encour-
aged by opportunities for Universal to fur-
ther grow with a confidence that he admits
was not so keen a little over two years ago.
When economic decline was at its worst
and so many stores closed, Universal’s loss of
revenue prompted him and his partner to
look within their own organization. They
considered moving to smaller, less-costly of-
fice accommodations. They considered lay-
ing-off or terminating staff, which was tough
because most had worked there for more than
15 years, or were second-generation family of
former staff. In the end, those relationships
were more important than his, or his part-
ner’s, own salary. “We took the hit out of our
own pockets, but were able to keep everyone
working and keep our clients happy too. I
may not have saved any money for myself,
but the company kept fighting. We added
new services and took on new accounts and
successfully got through it to where we are
Papa says the waste removal industry re-
lies on the same thing that drives so many
businesses – relationships. Through its com-
mitment to serving customer relationships,
maintaining relationships within its corpo-
rate staff and network of haulers throughout
America, and adhering to standards of envi-
ronmental quality and professional account-
ability, Universal Environmental Consulting
may work with the things that people throw
away, but will continue to represent a relation
well worth the keeping.
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