April 2013 - page 286

286 | Business World Magazine |
April 2013
W.B. Yeats once wrote, “Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.” When it
comes to the igniting of intellect and sparking of ideas that lead to innovation, independent
schools are excelling over public school systems. Comparative research indicates students from
private schools (K to 12) are not only more likely to graduate, but go on to attend a four year
college, andwill typically average higher scores in every subject area of college entrance exams.
Private school advocates will suggest such scoring achievements have less to dowith preparing
students for standardized tests, but are more reflective of efforts to prepare students to tackle
the tests of life, and rest assured, the teaching model at independent schools does not merely
rely on the reciting of required reading from a text book. As independent schools continue to
light a fire, one organization works to fan the flames, and safeguard students and educators
from being burned by forces that might stifle their spark.
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