April 2013 - page 283

April 2013
| Business World Magazine | 283
neighborhoods where a company has a store
location. While some national companies
may bring in an out-of-town crew to service a
market in which it will now operate, Univer-
sal works with the haulers already living and
working in the area it is serving. In some cas-
es, a store location may even continue to be
served by an existing provider, but through
themass service purchasewithUniversal, dis-
posal rates decrease.That arrangement would
seemingly not fare so well with the hauler,
but again, through the relationshipwithUni-
versal, the hauler will typically secure more
accounts for service. The relationship helps
the independent hauler more readily com-
pete against the larger national companies.
Through consolidating waste removal ser-
vices, Universal has also been able to capi-
talize on single stream recycling strategies.
It partners with recycling plants throughout
the country, and whether it is paper & card-
board, textiles, or some other type of mate-
rial, through its collection and distribution
network, the waste is directed to a plant for
recycling to not only reduce impact on land-
fills, but allow some store chains to dramati-
cally reduce their carbon footprint. “We’ve
helped many stores become green, to have
zero-waste in single stream recycling through
the consolidation of work we provide in a
market area,” says Papa.
In desperate times, people sometimes
do very desperate things, and that’s true for
business too. Papa says at the height of the
recession, he saw some companies close, cut-
ting down on service and resorting to prac-
tices like illegal dumping, which left to hefty
fines for those who were caught. Universal
is more concerned about adhering to the
lines of professionalism as opposed to the
bottom line. Being at the forefront of its in-
dustry, Universal maintains full cognizance
of all regulatory compliance issues for vari-
ous types of waste which adds an essential
measure of understanding to its expertise.
Contracting with Universal not only indem-
nifies corporate clients, but provides greater
assurance that their waste removal is being
performed responsibly, safely and consistent
with mandated standards.
Papa says doing the right thing may not
always be cheap or easy, “but if it’s the right
thing to do, it’s the only thing to do.”
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