April 2013 - page 264

264 | Business World Magazine |
April 2013
ating an opportunity for the U.S. to compete
in global, clean energy manufacturing. Bio-
fuels offset our dependence on foreign oil as
15 billion gallons of ethanol and biodiesel
were produced by U.S. refineries in 2011.
Despite these business successes, misin-
formation about the different renewable en-
ergy technologies abound in the media and
renewable energy has become a sort of po-
litical football in the United States. ACORE
set out to create a website to debunk the mis-
information surrounding renewable energy,
to rebalance the energy debates and provide
fact-based information about the industry.
In 2012, ACORE launched Energy Fact
Check (
) and @
EnergyFactCheck. The website and Twitter
feed respond to media misinformation and
help educate about the successes and poten-
tial of renewable energy. Energy Fact Check
provides clarification on hot-button issues
surrounding the industry. Content focuses
on specific misinformation such as, “Renew-
able energy is too expensive and drives up
electricity and fuel prices.” The “Featured
Fact Checks” provide credible information
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