April 2013 - page 256

256 | Business World Magazine |
April 2013
the community’s economic model. “We are
working hard and I think we are starting to
get some traction in creating a culture of in-
novation and rapid change... successful cities
of the future will have to embrace innova-
tion and change, and my passion is creating
that for our city,” says Mayor Joines.
The focus on sustainability is far from
complete and Director Hardin indicates
other projects are in-the-works while strat-
egies for increased sustainability practices
are also being formulated with county and
regional forces. Hardin says strategies will
likely lead to improvements in the preven-
tion of erosion, further improvement to area
waterways, improved efficiency in area tran-
sit systems and further enhancements to ex-
isting area greenways. At the end of the day,
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