April 2013 - page 257

April 2013
| Business World Magazine | 257
Hardin says the work that has been under-
taken has not only helped the community to
become more efficient and save money, but
has more importantly improved air quality
and ecological factors in such a way as to im-
prove the health of area residents. As Hardin
says, “We care about the environment and
the health of our residents and we’re doing
all that we can to make this a more livable
Livability is already backed-up by some
important factors which include the mod-
erate climate, the low cost of living, median
home prices of $129,000, the presence of
universities and colleges, and the significant
composite of doctors per capita. Such nu-
ances serve in Winston-Salem’s ranking on
the Milken Institute’s list of “Best Cities for
Successful Aging.”
Yet, in terms of Winston-Salem’s ability
to attract future families as well as new busi-
ness, sustainability is integral to the strategy.
Mayor Joines says studies show that young
entrepreneurs and industry leaders posi-
tioned among that branded as “the creative
class” are especially drawn to areas enriched
by diversity and respect for the environment.
He believes that sustainability is not only
adding the fiscal efficiency and future eco-
nomic prosperity of Winston-Salem, but is
adding greater quality to the lives of every-
one there today. As sustainability practices
will add to all that can be celebrated in the
community’s upcoming centennial, Mayor
Joines says such focus will continue to be
fundamental to Winston-Salem’s future.
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