Island Car Rental
ting edge. We're constantly investing in our
our 5th operating system now,"he proclaims.
"I believe that if you're doing something to-
day the same way you were doing it 10 years
ago, t hen you're d oing s omething w rong.
You need to evolve."
green initiatives, and are "constantly explor-
ing new possibilities" i n order to d o their
part in helping the environment.
"We store all of o ur u sed oil for recycling,
we're very s trict with e lectricity u sage, we
reuse and recycle paper. We also recycle our
greywater, and we store thousands of gallons
chael. "Wehave an agreement with a garbage
disposal c ompany that does r ecycling c om-
pactions, which costs a fortune, but we pay
them to do it. We're also in the process of do-
ing surveys to go completely solar for all our
come to mind."
Last year, Island Car Rentals won both the
2014 Jamaica's Leading Car Rental Compa-
ny award and the 2014 Caribbean's Leading
Independent Car Rental C ompany a ward.
Company at the Hospitality Jamaica Awards,
and earned a citation from the Jamaica Cus-
tomer Service Association for providing top