Island Car Rental
tourism entities in Jamaica.
"We won both t he K ingston Resort A rea
Champion a ward a nd t he o verall N ation-
al T ourism S ervice E xcellence Champion
into c onsideration all of t he h otels, a ttrac-
tion o perators, g round tour o perators, a nd
everyone else in the tourism industry, and we
came out on top."
Despite their overwhelming s uccess, how-
ever, Island Car R entals h as n o interest i n
taking away business from other companies.
Instead, they would prefer to "grow the mar-
ket" and see the entire industry thrive.
will cut the travel times tremendously, so it's
going to make it easier to get around Jamaica.
the car rental industry," he concludes. "As per
policy of growing the tourism industry, not
just our share of the car rental industry.We
want to grow the pie, not take other people's