Island Car Rental
"Myself and a partner of mine were realtors,
and we had the largest real estate brokerage
Director Michael Campbell. "Webought an
had a leaseback agreement with the vendor.
It was a car rental company, so we decided to
use their rental to pay the mortgage on the
building because we had too many carrying
ny were about to lose their jobs because the
owner was leaving Jamaica, which also put us
in a bind because we had the lease agreement
with him,"he continues. "I have a mantra that
I live b y, w hich is, ' We're constantly f aced
with o pportunities b rilliantly d isguised a s
insoluble problems.' Considering we owned
years, and the business was doing well, all we
needed was a telephone l ine and a few cars,
and we could continuepaying the mortgage."
Michael's b usiness proposal, the Jamaican
government banned importation of cars into