4 | Transportation and Logistics Council
kind of numbers do you have now and how
has it been trending the last few years?
GEORGE PEZOLD: We’re around 300.
Back in the 80s and early 90s, when we were
involved in what was called the great under-
charge debacle, the council was very active
in sponsoring joint defense groups and at
that time we had closer to 400, maybe 450
members. But it was a nationwide crisis that
was going on and we were the only people in
town basically that were helping the shippers
defend themselves against these thousands
of lawsuits. We actually had 7,000 or more
lawsuits that were coordinated and spon-
sored through the council.
BW: Do you have an entity that is a typical
member or are you all across the board with
who’s a part of the organization?
PEZOLD: We have large corporations like
Nestle, people like that that are members,
and represented, and then we have mid-sized
companies that are in the manufacturing in-
dustry. We have quite a lot of brokers, and
they range in size from small operations to
fairly good-sized operations with maybe 50-