Vnomics - page 13

Vnomics | 13
a laugh explaining in the past, the perfor-
mance of school bus drivers were monitored
by the frequency in which children experi-
enced motion sickness when sitting at the
back of the bus. “Since they started using our
device, they report that they no longer have
messes to clean-up,” says Chauncey. Much
the same, commercial
trucking firms also re-
port being spared from
certain messes.
“The way Vnomics
functions is very differ-
ent than what we have
seen from others in the
telematics space. The
real-time functionality,
robust In-Cab Advisor,
and proactive mainte-
nance capabilities really
captured our attention,”
says Logistics Manager
Joe Rodibaugh of Klein
Steel. As a metal pro-
cessing company that
distributes to thousands
of customers through-
out America, Klein Steel
saw a 9.2% improvement in MPG within six
Or consider the case at Terpening
Trucking, a fourth generation fuel hauler
that annually delivers more than 400 mil-
lion gallons of fuel throughout America and
Canada. Since implementing the technol-
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