Vnomics - page 12

12 | Vnomics
customers are now using the In Cab Advisor
scorecard in conjunction with incentive pro-
grams for top-scoring drivers. As for other
rewards, Chauncey says companies that have
integrated Vnomics’ technology into their
fleet operations have successfully eliminat-
ed impacts from unexpected breakdowns,
gained greater overall awareness of fleet
conditions, reduced costs and significantly
improved their operational efficiency. The
technology also imparts eco-sensitive advan-
tages in reduced carbon emissions born from
reductions in fuel consumption. What’s
more, users rapidly achieve savings which
more than cover the cost of the system, in
some cases, within less than ninety days - and
that’s not corporate propaganda, but genu-
ine results which have been resoundingly re-
peated from Vnomics customers.
For a clearer understanding of the benefits
imparted by Vnomics, one need only con-
sider claims made from its clients. Those in-
clude a variety of national or regional com-
mercial trucking operations, corporate fleet
managers and in another case, principals of
a school bus transit system. Chauncey shares
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