Vnomics - page 15

Vnomics | 15
comprising a share of this company’s cus-
tomer base, in this case, that means an orga-
nization particularly known for being rather
commanding when it comes to the fulfilling
of operational orders – the Department of
Ten years of research and development and
more than $30 million was spent before this
technology was brought to the commercial
market. Chauncey explains that in the early
2000s, through an initiative sponsored by the
Department of Defense and Office of Naval
Research (responsible for the coordination
of science and technology programs of the
United States Navy and Marine Corps) (the
U.S. military) sought to improve the reli-
ability of vehicles during combat situations.
The goal was to develop a technical means
for increased monitoring of vehicle systems
to minimize breakdowns or mechanical fail-
ures. Whether in combat conditions or the
general call to duty, no one wants to be on the
bad end of a mechanical mishap. In this case,
the military sponsored research by the best
Ed McCarthy, VP of Operations
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