Vnomics - page 11

Vnomics | 11
factors, this patented technology actually
identifies the most optimal way to operate
the vehicle. Data is provided through a sys-
tem that ultimately serves to coach the driver
who receives real-time alerts (instant feed-
back) for improper shifting, hard accelera-
tion, speeding, idling, and more.
The In-Cab Advisor mechanism only
sounds in cases when it detects improper
driving behavior or a system-condition that
might compromise the vehicle’s perfor-
mance. When the vehicle is stopped, In-
Cab Advisor then generates an onscreen
scorecard which displays key performance
metrics, further empowering drivers to im-
mediately assess their respective impact on
fleet operations, for better or worse. This is
objective feedback that ultimately produces
a score which is reported on Vnomics web
portal to allow review by management. Driv-
er behavior is recognized as the most crucial
factor impacting fleet fuel consumption, op-
erational efficiency and safety. With many in
the transportation industry striving to iden-
tify solutions for measuring and improving
driver performance, the real-time coaching
capability has fostered more “wow factor”
for Vnomics technology. Some Vnomics
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