Vnomics - page 3

Vnomics | 3
In terms of intended purposes and practices empowering one to optimally perform
at the fullest of potential, William Jennings Bryan once offered insight on des-
tiny, saying it is not a thing to be waited for, but rather something to be achieved.
He said, “Destiny is no matter of chance. It is a matter of choice.” Today, thanks
to an innovation of technology initially designed to enhance military operations
involving transportation, an enterprise in New York is helping commercial trans-
port teams eliminate the negative impacts associated with chance by providing a
tool which enables both drivers and fleet directors to make wiser choices. In this
case, it’s an achievement helping both the company and its customers drive more
directly and assuredly toward a desired destiny with success.
FromVnomicsCorp. headquarters inPittsford,NewYork, CEODavidChaunc-
ey poses a scenario: “Suppose that there is a situation you’re in, but you have an
opportunity to make a decision. If you make the right decision, you’ll have the
optimal outcome, but if you make the wrong decision, then the non-optimal
outcome occurs and there’s no way to change that. It’s too late. The only time
you can change the outcome is the instant you make a decision. That’s what our
system is all about, making the right decisions at the right time in order to have
the right outcome.”
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