Vnomics - page 14

14 | Vnomics
ogy, Terpening has experienced a 9.8 % im-
provement in MPG, a 29% increase in sales
and an astounding 73% improvement in safe
driving miles. As Terpening Trucking Safety
Director Brian Brundige affirms, “Our goal
is always to improve safety and service. We
chose Vnomics because it provides simpli-
fied safety monitoring and responsive cus-
tomer service. We’re beyond thrilled with
what Vnomics has done for us in these areas.”
At DeCarolis Truck Rental in Roch-
ester New York, Maintenance Director Ken
Anderson says, “Vnomics has given us the
crucial visibility we need to know what is
happening with our assets at all times. Hav-
ing the ability to monitor truck performance
and driver behavior in real time has been in-
valuable for reducing our maintenance ex-
penses, our risk and liability exposure, and
we have an overall understanding of how our
assets are being used.”
These, of course, represent just a frac-
tion of the feedback that Vnomics has re-
ceived from satisfied customers, but to ex-
pound on the veracity of Vnomics capability,
one might also consider another composite
Andy Markese, VP of Sales and Marketing
David Chauncey, CEO
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