Vnomics - page 19

Vnomics | 19
signer of hardware solutions. As Chauncey
says, “We’re basically a software company
and we need a platform on which to operate
that software, and we’ve had great support
and backing to grow our company.”
Less than five years old, Vnomics has
grown to now employ several dozen people
fully dedicated to growing the company’s
market reach as well as the technical capa-
bilities of their products. Chauncey says his
team feels that adjustments can be made to
offer an even greater resource in the support
of improved safety and fuel efficiency, and
the research continues. He also acknowledg-
es that Vnomics technology can be adapted
to serve in a variety of applications, such
as planes, trains, watercraft and industrial
equipment. For now, Chauncey says the fo-
cus is on increasing its customer base in the
commercial trucking field and continuing its
role in supporting military fleet operations.
“We’re striving to change driver behavior
through real time coaching while also de-
livering technology that allows operators to
have a clearer understanding of what is hap-
pening with their vehicles, so they can make
better decisions, so they can better avoid
problems… our platform provides that abil-
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Actual MPG Post Driver Training
Drivers Trained
Weekly MPG Summary
MPG Prior to Training
1...,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18 20
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