‘no,’” she says. “When we’re
presented with a challenge, we
conquer it. I lead the company
that way, and my directors lead
their teams that way, so that at-
titude trickles down through the
ranks. Everybody has the same
mentality to get it done.”
‘Getting it done,’ Falon explains,
means “knowing what their cli-
ents want and thinking through
everything.” It means always
moving forward, learning as
they go, and facing and surpass-
ing every obstacle they encoun-
“Events are really hard,” she
says. “It’s known as one of the
most stressful careers. It’s up
there with neurosurgeon and
firefighter, and there’s a rea-
son for that. Having a wonder-
ful team in place that has the
drive and the expertise to push
forward every day, to overcome
all the setbacks we go through,
and to make everything perfect
– that makes it a little easier,
and that’s why we’ve been suc-
Falon has personally been in
the events industry for 20 years