And because BridgeHealth only
partners with a limited number
of exceptionally high quality
providers in each market – only
those who are independently
ranked as best based on fac-
tors such as complication rates,
surgical outcomes, and more
– providers also benefit from
quality recognition, extending
their brands and improving
their competitive position.
Patients benefit from access to
the best surgical care available,
regardless of proximity or cost.
From the moment they receive
a recommendation for surgery,
“care coordinator” is assigned
to help them understand their
options, identify and schedule
the right surgeon and the right
setting, and provide logisti-
cal support – everything from
scheduling second opinions to
gathering medical history and
even booking travel if neces-
sary. The type of VIP concierge
treatment – normally associat-
ed with the wealthy and priv-
ileged – is made accessible to
everyday hourly employees of
BridgeHealth’s employer cli-
Employers and other benefits
plan sponsors win big when
their members have better
healthcare experiences and re-
turn to normal function faster
as the result of high quality sur-
gery – all the while improving
their bottom line by accessing
steep surgical discounts negoti-
ated by BridgeHealth with their
provider partners.
BridgeHealth achieves signifi-
cant savings over average PPO
discounts due to pre-negotiat-
ed bundled case rates, as well
as by “eliminating a lot of the
waste,” Mark says – usually by
providing a higher quality of
When it comes to surgical solu-
tions, much of the cost usually
comes from revisions, from sur-
geries that need to be redone
or from infections that result.
With BridgeHealth’s top-quality
providers, those revision and
infection rates are lower and
surgery can even sometimes be
avoided. That means members
MAY 2019