members back to work quickly
and safely. That’s what they get
with us. That’s what we provide,
better than anybody else.”
The satisfied testimony from
BridgeHealth plan members
supports what Mark is saying.
The company surveys every
individual that comes through
their program, and they have
roughly a 68 per cent response
rate and a 94 Net Promoter
The Net Promoter Score is an
index ranging from -100 to 100
that measures the willingness
of customers to recommend
a company’s products or ser-
vices to others. A 94 is virtual-
ly unheard of in the healthcare
industry, where scores are typi-
cally in the 20s.
“One of the great joys of work-
ing at a company like this is
that we’re truly helping peo-
ple,” Mark says. “Surgery is not
something that anybody takes
lightly, it can be quite concern-
ing to go through. But we walk
people through it and help
them achieve a high quality,
positive outcome.”
Moving forward, BridgeHealth
is set to achieve even more of
those quality outcomes across
the country. Mark sees the
company doubling in size this
year alone based on the re-
sponse they are getting in the
“The market is very receptive
for the type of service that we
are uniquely positioned to pro-
vide,” Mark says.
“Clients like us for a lot of rea-
sons,” he concludes. “We pro-
vide a solution that promotes
competition in healthcare deliv-
ery based on quality not prox-
imity or brand recognition. We
give employers and other plan
sponsors a new and effective
tool to improve productivity
and reduce costs. But, most
importantly, we are breaking
down the barriers to high qual-
ity care for every-day, working
Americans. We believe that ev-
eryone deserves the best the
US health system has to offer
– and by creating a system in
which everyone wins, we be-
lieve we can do just that.”
MAY 2019
For more on how
BridgeHealth works –
and the many benefits
to sponsors, members,
and providers –
visit https://bridge-