BWM - Jan 2015 - page 113

January 2015
| Business World
ment. Marcelo says that adaptability and in-
novative streak is what sets the firm apart in
their field.
“We look at building and architecture in a
very progressive way,” he explains. “At the
same time, we have a lot of experience and
understanding of materials, tectonics, and
construction technologies in general. So we
can offer solutions that are forward-looking
but also believable, innovative but also effi-
P-A-T-T-E-R-N-S is also set apart, Marcelo
adds, by their approach to clients. They meet
their expectations on schedule and on bud-
get, but more than that, they help clients
shape and realize their visions and what’s
possible within it.
“As architects, we’re there to meet the clients'
demands and expectations, but we’re also
there to help formulate the demands them-
selves,” he says. “We’re there to help them
shape their vision. We help clients ask the
right questions, so they get what they want
from a cultural point of view, an economic
point of view, and a sustainability point of
Over the years, P-A-T-T-E-R-N-S has re-
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