Business World |
November 2014
4 | L nd Lease
Lend Lease is among the world’s leading
providers of fully integrated property and
infrastructure solutions. They are listed on
the Australian Securities Exchange and em-
ploy more than 18,000 people worldwide. In
Australia, they are well known for working
with communities, clients, and colleagues to
create state-of-the-art infrastructure project-
sthat leave positive legacies.
A recent example of such a project is the
award-winning Sustainable Industries Edu-
cation Centre (SIEC) at Tonsley.
Matt Gooding was the Project Manager
on that job. He’s been with Lend Lease for
three years now, having come aboard at the
very beginning of the SIEC project. Prior to
that, he earned a Bachelor’s from the Univer-
sity of South Australia, and spent 15 years
working his way up the ranks of other local
building companies.
“I got the opportunity to work with Lend
Lease at the end of the 2011, and I jumped at
the chance,” he recalls. “Lend Lease have de-
livered some of Australia’s most iconic infra-
structure projects, and I wanted to be a part
of that.”