BWM March 2014 - page 109

March 2014
| Business World Magazine | 109
standardization. It’s a very fast-paced envi-
ronment, and we’re always on the lookout
to hire leaders, not followers. Everyone who
comes on board has an opportunity to come
in and use his or her own experience to help
the company grow.”
The five-year growth plan includes an
expectation that revenues will double while
the executives ponder an expansion toward
the East Coast with a possible warehouse lo-
cation in Georgia.
The sales force will be realigned terri-
torially as well, Filippone says, and also on
the agenda is a headquarters upgrade to a
200,000-square-foot building – though it’s
not been determined if it’ll be a new struc-
ture or a customized existing one. Also on
the table is maintaining the existing facility
and using an alternate location to house only
the company’s distribution functions.
“It’s an exciting time to be here,” Filip-
pone says. “We have big plans and we feel
we’re positioned for continuing success.”
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