BWM March 2014 - page 111

March 2014
| Business World Magazine | 111
And in January, the U.S. Marine Corps
awarded UEC a $1.42 million contract to
develop systems that will use solar collection
and high-density batteries to reduce run time
on tactical generators. The company will de-
velop, design and build two of these mobile
electric hybrid power systems in the next 18
That’s all well and good, but it’s more than
just adding to a burgeoning corporate bio
that keeps a staff of 200 coming back each
day, says Nancy Straight, UEC’s business de-
velopment manager and a 10-year veteran of
the Marines. More so than a lot of places, she
says, our employees can easily see their tan-
gible impacts, in this case, thanks to a recent
visit from a representative of the Secretary of
the Navy.
“They were thrilled that there was a sub-
stantial cost-savings for government and
they were excited that this product was cut-
ting down on noise pollution to forward de-
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