BWM March 2014 - page 117

March 2014
| Business World Magazine | 117
when budgets are an issue.
K2 Energy is the battery systems supplier
to UEC.
“When you run a generator 24 hours a
day, seven days a week for months on end, it
breaks,” she says. “The fact that we can turn
those generators off for the bulk of the time
extends their lives. They don’t have to be re-
placed. They don’t have to be maintained
quite as often. Anything that we can do to
reduce the need for overall people to sup-
port results in cost savings, as well.
“Those products become a force multi-
plier and they allow the military to do more
with less. We all watch the news, they’re go-
ing to have to keep doing more with less.”
As for UEC itself, Straight’s agenda for
the future, predictably, revolves around the
“No matter how large our organization is
five years from now, I would still like to say
that I know everybody’s name that works
here,” she says. “I would like for us to main-
tain the same culture that we have right now,
and, of course, for us to maintain our profit-
ability and remain a leader in the industry. In
the renewable energy market, as small as we
are, we really are the leaders.
“We’d like to stay there.”
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