BWM March 2014 - page 123

March 2014
| Business World Magazine | 123
to have very efficient operations and to make
sure that we’re in compliance with rules and
regulations on a Federal, State and Local
level. Everything that has happened, from
requiring independent financial audits to
handling retirement accounts, to changes in
Medicare Reimbursement rules - IAHTM
has tried to keep pace with the changing en-
vironment and the pressures that have come
to bear on hospitals. New technologies have
come out with regard to both processing
equipment and textiles, different technolo-
gies that have come out that help reduce our
natural resource utilization, etc., ways to en-
sure that you have a good tone at the top of
business and that you are working ethically
and morally when it comes to the organiza-
tion as a whole.
BW: So there’s a lot more to this than what
meets the eye. This is a far more complex
industry than those without knowledge of
it might assume it is.
That would be correct. I think the
everyday person doesn’t even know this in-
dustry exists. It's a very niche industry, so
to speak. I think when the average person
Joe Contrera - Banff Conference Speaker
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