The typical operation starts off with a truck
and a minimum of 24 bins, and an
understanding that a second truck and
another full complement of bins will be
added within three to six months. Owners
canoperate fromtheir home or anoffice in a
typical commercial strip, with a common
requirement that their bins are stored
outside in an open yard or other space that’s
easily viewable.
Some owners rent outdoor space at a
company with a home-service lean, like a
landscaping business, while others secure an
open-air rented location near major
Upon contact from a customer, the bins are
brought to a residence, placed in the
driveway on a series of wooden planks – to
prevent direct contact with the surface –
and ultimately hauled away, after the
driveway or road service is swept clean, to
the appropriate bulk-waste disposal or
landfill in the area.
“We do it with a focus on customer service
that is not usual in the dumpster industry,”
| BusinessWorld | 119
June-July 2014