BWM Oct 2013 - page 167

October 2013
| Business World Magazine | 167
million has been invested in its autoclave
and sterilization infrastructure, and he an-
ticipates this to become an increasing as-
pect of services provided by COMTEX.
As for the future, Noel says COM-
TEX is committed to growing its cus-
tomer base in Ohio, particularly among
hospitals and clinics that fall within a
75-mile radius of the laundry plant. “We
see ourselves as a Central Ohio service...
and our plan is to continue providing a
top level service within our market where
there is still plenty of volume and plenty
of need,” says Noel. He adds that where
some in the industry have grown so fast as
to lose sight of the qualities that allowed
that growth to occur, COMTEX is more
cautious. As Noel says, “Some plants can
become too congested or too production
oriented. Our focus is more geared to-
ward providing the best service we can,
and maintaining the corporate culture as
well as the quality that has allowed us to
become successful.”
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