BWM Oct 2013 - page 162

162 | Business World Magazine |
October 2013
from our people ... it all starts with hiring
a good team, and we have the most hard-
working and qualified team members in
this business. Our CFO originally worked
for a healthcare system, our Chief Engi-
neer has an engineering degree from The
Ohio State University, our Plant Manager
has more than twenty years’ experience in
plant operations, and there’s no neophytes
in any of the processes here,” says Noel.
While success may start with hiring the
right team, it is also dependent on the
approach in keeping that team engaged,
and it is in this capacity that COMTEX
has especially excelled. COMTEX has
aligned its core values with the very same
that complement health care delivery
at Mount Carmel and OhioHealth; em-
bracing principles of “acceptance, com-
passion, empathy, excellence, integrity,
respect, and stewardship” for all staff.
COMTEX further adheres to what is re-
spectively known as the “Cardinal Value”
and “Cause Statement” associated with
its two founding organizations: to “Honor
the Dignity and Worth of Each Individu-
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