BWM Oct 2013 - page 163

October 2013
| Business World Magazine | 163
al” and to “Honor Every Soul with Lov-
ing Service.”
To make that operational, Noel ex-
plains that COMTEX enjoys a rare diver-
sity among its personnel. Collectively,
staff hail from as many as 19 different
countries and speak more than a dozen
different languages. Such diversity re-
quires recognition of religious and cultur-
al beliefs, as well as respect and compas-
sion in terms of helping each excel in the
fulfilling of duties. Emphasis is placed on
training, and protocols prompt patience
and care when responding to challenges
wrought from differences in communica-
tion or understanding. As a born Cana-
dian now working in America, Noel says
he not only understands, but appreciates
the needs and concerns of those who also
immigrate here in hopes of securing work
and a greater quality of life. “They’re
working hard to be the best they can be
... we have to listen to them, work with
them and nurture them. Our cardinal val-
ue compels us to honor their dignity and
honor every soul with love and service.
Some may think we’re naïve in demand-
ing that, but that’s what counts ... Many
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