BWM Oct 2013 - page 177

October 2013
| Business World Magazine | 177
vide extensive training, still, the IAFC is
moving forward with public and private
sector to overcome such challenges.
Though there is sufficient incentive
for that, a tragic case-in-point occurred
earlier this year when a fertilizer plant in
West, Texas, caught fire. As responders
rushed to the site, the fire was fueled by
anhydrous ammonia producing an explo-
sion so massive that it registered on the
Richter scale as an earthquake. Hundreds
of people were injured and 17 people
were killed, of these, 11 were firefighters.
“It’s scary because there are dangers you
can’t always see ... so we have to make
sure the codes are being enforced, that
materials are being properly stored and
handled, but we also have to have access
to information about the materials we’re
confronting, and we have to be properly
trained and prepared to respond in these
kinds of emergencies,” says Chief Clem-
Like so many businesses which were im-
pacted by economic recession, the fire
services have experienced significant de-
creases in budgets which has prompted
the termination of staff and slowed the ac-
quisition of new equipment and necessary
training. What’s more, fire departments
have no means of increasing their revenue
when operating costs increase, unlike, say,
an airline services that raises the price of
tickets as fuel costs increase. Chief Clem-
mensen says confronting challenges born
from budget cuts and increased costs cur-
rently represent the largest area of con-
cern among IAFC Members. He stresses,
however, the concern isn’t over money,
but rather safety. “We have to do the same
job we’ve always done in protecting resi-
dents and protecting property, all while
maintaining the safety of our firefighters,
but now we have to do it with less re-
sources and less personnel ... that creates
the kind of worry that keeps you awake at
night trying to figure out how you can do
it,” he says.
Economic realities have compelled
the IAFC to advocate for increased fund-
ing and access to grants. The IAFC has
also developed new web-based services
allowing members to better access in-
formation and seek solutions and model
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