BWM Oct 2013 - page 185

October 2013
| Business World Magazine | 185
them traveling to training. Chief Murray
says the MCFD constantly strives to stay
ahead of the curve, not only in training,
but in finding means to reduce operation-
al costs without compromising service to
the community. This has proven to be a
difficult balancing act in recent years as
budget cuts born from the recession have
impacted the department just as it has im-
pacted departments throughout the world.
Though budgets have been reduced, de-
mand for services has not. Fortunately,
Chief Murray says the department has
been able to endure the brunt of the im-
pact by advancing in protocols which will
ultimately help MCFD achieve accredita-
tion as recognized by the Centers for Pub-
lic Safety Excellence. Though there are
thousands of fire departments throughout
the world, only some 150 have achieved
accreditation. Chief Murray says that as a
quality assurance system that drives best
practices, going through the accredita-
tion process has empowered the MCFD
to identify liabilities, gaps in training and
assess needs within its community that
help the department better utilize tax dol-
lars at its highest potential. After taking
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