BWM Oct 2013 - page 179

October 2013
| Business World Magazine | 179
practices from peers on a range of op-
erational practices, procedures and pro-
grams. Chief Clemmensen says the IAFC
continues to provide leadership and ser-
vice to its members whether they come
from a department of 4,000 personnel or
only four personnel. Recent efforts have
also included what is known as the Labor
Management Initiative with the Interna-
tional Association of Fire Fighters. This
LMI represents a best practices model
for enhancing collaboration between
labor and management. In this regard,
Chief Clemmensen shares insight that
could serve any business and its dealings
with unions. “There’s no secret formula
to the LMI, but it is based on what has to
be done job ... and there may be issues
whenever you’re dealing with a labor or-
ganization, but you have to sit down and
be willing to communicate. You have to
listen to their issues, and you have to try
to work out a solution that creates the
best win-win for everyone involved. The
IAFF does a great job and they’re inte-
gral to our industry. Ours missions are
virtually the same in public safety and
the safety of firefighters ... and we have to
work together,” says Chief Clemmensen.
With respect to working together
and worker safety, Clemmensen again
makes a point about the importance or
partnering with private enterprise, sug-
gesting that the fire services can learn
from leaders of business. For examples,
he says companies such as Honeywell
have developed “fantastic” programs
involving safety and employee manage-
ment. Those models can be adopted and
implemented throughout fire department
for improved safety and efficiency. He
also says by partnering with manufactur-
ers, innovations in new kinds of gear or
other equipment will can be produced to
further prompt safety and efficiency.
“We couldn’t survive without the
cooperation of the private sector,” says
Chief Clemmensen. “As the IAFC con-
tinues to look at how we do our business
and exercise care in how we operate when
we know there are less resources, we’ll
continue to provide leadership in advo-
cating solutions, develop new services
for our members and build partnerships
that promote safety of the public and our
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