BWM Oct 2013 - page 184

184 | Business World Magazine |
October 2013
cent situations in which MCFD personnel
have diligently responded to the call of
duty, and no two days are ever the same.
As a relatively small department, MCFD
are trained to effectively confront the
range of situations that they may encoun-
ter in service to their community. One
of the tools used to assist in training is
known as the Blue Card Command Pro-
gram which is complemented by 50 hours
of online courses derived from the cur-
riculum known as Fire Command. Upon
completing the course, personnel can elect
to go through further evaluation and test-
ing through a three day series of incident
simulations staged at any one of the Com-
mand Training Centers located among the
United States. The travel costs associat-
ed with training can be challenging to a
small department, but MCFD has over-
come this by utilizing Blue Card’s “CTC
in a Box,” a modality that allows person-
nel to participate in simulations online
after being equipped with specially pro-
grammed laptop devices, essentially, the
training travel to personnel as opposed to
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