BWM Oct 2013 - page 151

October 2013
| Business World Magazine | 151
process, accreditation serves to demonstrate
operational compliance to key government
mandates for handling, processing and trans-
porting healthcare textiles. It demonstrates,
for example, that the facility is following
OSHA’s Bloodborne Pathogens Standard to
the letter. It demonstrates laundry person-
nel have been properly trained and the fact
that company is following best practices in
its systems, policies and procedures to pro-
vide consistent delivery of textiles congruent
with the expectations of its customers. It is
quite simply the highest indication of excel-
lence in this industry.
The benefits of accreditation extend to
healthcare customers who can be assured
with the knowledge and confidence that the
textile provider is meeting the highest stan-
dards of care to also cater to their needs and
Though inspections relating to accredi-
tation are described as uncomplicated, Ro-
meo says it is not a rubber-stamping process.
Laundries might need to make major capital
Rocco Romeo -
Regina A. Baras -
Executive Director
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