BWM Oct 2013 - page 149

October 2013
| Business World Magazine | 149
Since its founding in 2005, the Healthcare
Laundry Accreditation Council (HLAC)
has dramatically helped effect change in the
laundry industry through its development of
a comprehensive set of standards that fulfill
requirements for worker safety, patient safe-
ty and infection prevention in the processing
of healthcare textiles. Prior to the creation
of HLAC, there was NO organization that
could set laundry standards for this indus-
try. After establishing an industry task force,
HLAC emerged with a Board of Directors,
each carefully recruited, who today volun-
teer time, energy and insight on behalf of
the industry, the employees, and especially,
the people dependent on care among health-
care facilities. As an independent council
that empowers all with equal voice, HLAC
has not only acted in the best interests of its
industry and its customers, but has also de-
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