February 2013
| Business World Magazine | 201
Stamping supports customers by providing
the most innovative and cost-effective engi-
neered solutions, prototypes, components
and assemblies. This enables their respective
business partners to achieve superior finan-
cial results and quality growth. In so doing,
the company has continually cultivated long-
term partnerships with companies around
the world in a variety of industries includ-
ing, medical, consumer electronics, electri-
cal, appliance and automotive markets, just
to name a few.
“We have provided engineered solu-
tions of metal products and assemblies to
meet their most demanding applications,”
says Kahn. “We have brought three primary
areas of manufacturing under one roof. We
have our own set of competitors and cus-
tomers for each area.”
Perfection Spring & Stamping Corp takes
great pride on customer involvement every
step of the way, including the early stages of
design and engineering. Their engineering
and sales teams collaborate with customers
to design the most cost-effective method of
manufacture to meet their highest quality
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