February 2013
| Business World Magazine | 205
one area and type of manufacturing, Perfec-
tion Spring can offer several to tailor each
individual project to fit a customer’s need.
From punch press to fourslide, coiling to
assembly, Perfection is a single source sup-
plier for of their customers’ metal-forming
“By bringing these areas under one
roof, we believe we’ve been able to offer a
wide-variety of metal components to our
customers. It’s a sort of a one-stop-shop,” he
says. “In doing that, our customers are able to
reduce their supply base by sometimes two.”
Their ability to supply stampings (Up
to 600 ton max. capability), springs (com-
pression, extension, & torsion), wire-forms
and assemblies that allow customers to re-
duce their vendor base by two or even three
companies. “Depending on the volume, type
of product, the duration of their program,
we can match the manufacturing type that
meets all the requirements.”
Perfection Spring is further distinguished
from its competitors through its flexing of
five strengths.
Kahn identifies the first as financial
stability – “We remain profitable and sus-
tainable even through the current economic
downturn, in part though our market diver-
sification and our conservative philosophy
guiding the way we have done managed our
business since 1955,” he says.
The second is design and engineering
excellence. “We continue to offer innovative
cost-reduction options at the design stage
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