February 2013
| Business World Magazine | 207
Since the United States is currently consid-
ered a low-cost country, Perfection Spring &
Stamping Corp’s exports to the world mar-
ket have significantly increased. At the mo-
ment, they serve North America (NAFTA),
the European market and Asia. Shipping
destinations include Canada, Mexico, Chi-
na, Korea, The Philippines, Taiwan, France,
Germany, the Czech Republic, Israel, Malta
and India, among others. “Our exports con-
tinue to grow as the global market sees the
advantages Perfection can offer,” Kahn ex-
Looking ahead to the longer term,
one of the strategies for Perfection Spring &
Stamping Corp is to expand the existing list
of countries they export to by adding new
markets they’ve never been in before. They
will also take their products and services
and branch into new industries “we’ve never
been in before.”
They recently expanded into the sus-
tainability market taking on projects for so-
lar energy, electric cars and renewable ener-
gies. In addition to new markets, they are
continually upgrading their processes and
equipment, and will continue to do so mov-
ing forward. “We are always advancing our
own manufacturing capabilities with new
technologies andmarkets. I think the people
that don’t are the ones who are left behind,”
says Kahn.
“The whole idea is to make us better,
smarter, faster and cheaper. Our customers
call it ‘The Perfection Advantage.’”
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